Glad it's not just me, Tim. Add the increasing crapitude of many restaurants, and my determination to cook local ingredients at home, I get separation anxiety when I detach from the stove.

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The cultural space for restaurants I really like has narrowed a lot for me in the last decade, yeah. There's some high-end pretentions I just can't enjoy (not because of money, but just because it's too precious, too calibrated, though yeah, sometimes the money is also just too ridiculous) and I really can't enjoy a place that I know is just getting some premade packets from the food service crates and heating them in a microwave or close approximations of that (say, fetching a piece of meat out of the sous-vide, using a torch to try and pretend it was grilled or seared in a pan, etc.)

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Amen to all of it.

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Happy birthday!

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